A Plan for Social Media - Rethinking Federation

This is part of a series of posts about the current state of Social Media. I talked about Mozilla’s failed strategy to get people out of the corporate-controlled networks and into the open alternatives and made a quick demonstration of how ActivityPub is used to power the “Social Web”. I wanted to talk about these things before I get to the main point of my thesis: the “Fediverse” as a concept of “servers who can interact with one another” is antithetical to the open, social web. We need to go back to the drawing board and re-design our software in a way that creates bottom-up connections, instead of the current top-down approach.


A Plan for Social Media - Intro

Mozilla’s foray into Social Media did not pan out. Users are slowly creeping back to Twitter and Reddit. Is this a sign the future of the Fediverse is at risk, or do we just need some course correction? »

Let's fend off Big Tech and find a way to fund FOSS we all can be fond of

Oh, ‘TANSTAFOSS.’ Means -There ain’t no such thing as Free/Open Source Software.’ And isn’t," I added, pointing to a MIT License included in the npm package I just downloaded, “or these cloud SAAS would cost half as much. Was reminding her that anything free costs twice as much in long run or turns out worthless.” “An interesting philosophy.” “Not philosophy, fact. One way or other, what you get, you pay for.” I fanned air. “Was Earthside once and heard expression ‘Free as air.’ This air isn’t free, you pay for every breath." - Silicon Valley is a Harsh Mistress »